The Patient's Guide to Insurance, Part 1: Debunking Your Out of Network Fears
This is the first of several articles addressing insurance issues and physical therapy.
Insurance is a pain in the butt to deal with, and we get it.
In order for us to deliver the services that will get you better in a timely manner, we are unable to participate 'in-network' with most major insurance providers.
We would be 'providers that shall not be named,' because saying the next three words brings fear to YOU, the potential patient:
Out of network. Gasp.
Fortunately, for you, we are out of network, and that's not a bad thing at all. Our first post on this blog is to help debunk the myths of out of network providers and make sure that you understand why we are what we are.
Let's start with focus number one: YOU.
We spend the whole session with you. You are not moved to a trainer, assistant, or tech. Our focus is pinpointed on the guidance and execution of what your therapist and you decide is optimal for your treatment plan.
Focus number two: MONEY.
You're right, we went there, but it's not exactly what you're thinking.
Sure, we need to pay the bills, but it's more than just that; it's about reimbursement rates. In network providers get reimbursed very little per patient. In order for us to pay our bills, we wouldn't be able to see only you - we would have to see multiple people per hour in order to keep ourselves afloat.
That's not fair to you. Or to us. Trust us, we've seen 4+ patients an hour. It's not pretty.
Focus number three: QUALITY.
This enables us to provide the service that we believe in: quality physical therapy. You get our attention, our time, our hands, our instruction, our maximum effort for the whole session.
You are paying a premium to see us, but you don't have to see us as frequently as you think you do. What does that mean? This leads me to our next and last point:
Focus number four: TIME.
We save you time, because you get better quicker. Overall, you spend less money seeing us a few times, and you see us less! We know, it's not personal at all.
Do these things make sense? We want you to understand the product we deliver, and the reasons for why we do what we do - stay tuned for part 2, where we break down the complicated jargon you hear from insurance companies.
Do you have questions about our services? Have we gotten you stoked to see us yet?
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